A spoon of…Escape game in educational context Episode 2 Toolbox !
Here you will find a sitography recommended by the SPOON partner network to help you find interactive tools to create educational escape games :
Tools, services and resources to generate and manage enigmas by @danelsolabarrieta, Bilbao, Basque Country
- 45′ Timer video with classical music ALL LANGUAGES
- Diversos Timers 🇬🇧
- How to create an online questionnaire with Google Forms. Videotutorial of cHristian Negre. BASQUE
- Online stopwatch for several groups at the sametime. Paula’s Oscar Way 🇬🇧
- Online counter configurable as penalization. Juan Daniel Sobrado BASQUE
- Type in a short message with letters and numbers, and your students can plot the points and connect the lines to reveal it in the grid 🇬🇧
- Fully editable letter soup generator 🇬🇧
- Black Chamber in english codes generator.🇬🇧
- Code generator with phrases in different colors 🇫🇷
- Labyrinth generator with phrases via Susan Dreger 🇬🇧
- QR code generator given any internet address 🇬🇧
- Morse code generator in audio files 🇬🇧
- Online hieroglyphic generator 🇬🇧
- Flag code generator or cuadrículas online via Saco de Juegos 🇪🇸
- Braille message generator via Alejandra Grau 🇬🇧🇫🇷🇪🇸🇩🇪
- Creator of various enigmas from words via Albert Riera 🇬🇧
- Phonopaper: app for Android and IOs that allows you to generate and read visual image representations.🇬🇧 Via Jan Gonzalo.
- Enter some words to mirror and reverse.🇬🇧
- Lyricstraining.com to be an online vei that allows you to create games of’missing words’from a video clip🇬🇧
- Vector images of Scratch blocks to print to any size 🇬🇧
- Generator of fake news published in a newspaper. Customize the content and create an image in a snippet.🇬🇧
- Snotes. Create secret superp bone wordsfor color printing. You need to give clues to see the hidden words.🇬🇧
- Flags. Permit to create a secret message with the nestic flags.🇬🇧
- Use basic math to reveal the solution to a puzzle 🇬🇧
- Weird codes. Create secret messages.🇬🇧
- Tilt to read. Creates a code with distorted letters.🇬🇧
- Fake whatsapp conversation generator. In English.🇫🇷
- Configurable generator of all kinds of puzzles: cryptograms, hidden messages, mazes, letter soups…🇬🇧
- With thinfi you can convert a long tricky url into a short and simple one. 🇬🇧
- Create poster of wanted : generates a poster.🇬🇧
- geoGreeting. made words in aerial view Google maps 🇬🇧
- Turn your picture into a “wanted” poster🇬🇧
- Code primer (binary, Morse code, Braille etc) 🇬🇧
- Secret codes for kids: 6 simple ideas to create coded messages🇬🇧
- Pictogram generator fromulas. In English.🇬🇧
- Crossword generator for printing and Catalan. Via Victor Macip 🇪🇸
- Poster generator. Spectacular.🇬🇧
- Generator of antiguos manuscripts. Via Beatriz Cerdán.🇪🇸
- Free Countdown Timer for Your Website: watch withcountdown, customizable. It can be embedded in any website. Via Pere Cornellà.🇬🇧
- The Ransomizer: creates text notes that look like letter snippets from texts we already have. Via Pere Cornellà.🇬🇧
- Printable Secret Decoder Wheel: circular decoder. See Clara Cordero.🇬🇧
- Web developments with contraseñas to download or use directly . Pepe Soriano Way
- Card generator. Via Javier Barba.🇬🇧
- Photomontage generator. Via Yolanda Silveira.🇬🇧
- Identification cards generator (ID Cards). In English🇬🇧
- Generator of different false legal documents. In English🇬🇧
- Tutorial pnow create mushrooms with able scratch ink. In English🇬🇧
- Fake airplane billiard generator. In English 🇬🇧
- How to have an eléctrico mecanismo para una caja de respuestas mysterious. Juan Daniel Sobrado Avenue 🇪🇸
- Encoder “Cesar” Calculator encrypts entered text by using Caesar cipher. Non-alphabetic symbols (digits, whitespaces, etc.) are not transformed. Pepe Soriano Way🇬🇧
- Escape Room Puzzle Ideas. In English 🇬🇧
- Create visible hidden messages with colored filters. Clara Cordero Avenue🇬🇧
- TimeTaco. Clara Cordero Avenue 🇬🇧
- The color encoder. Create visible hidden messages with a red filter. Juan Daniel Sobrado Avenue🇬🇧
- Room Escape Maker: Online service that allows you to create escape rooms via web. Via El Clubde los 🇬🇧Pitagóricos
- Acrostic Poem Generator: creates poems in which the first letra of each verse creates a palabra. Vía El Club de los Pitagóricos.🇬🇧
- Audio message online recorder: 🇫🇷
- Binary code translator. From text to binary and vice versa.🇬🇧
- Creator of animated imágenes from a tone. In English.🇬🇧
- Riddles: a huge database of hundreds sorted by age.🇬🇧
- This service allows you to create a western or modern style wanted poster.🇬🇧
- Mensajes oculto tras rejilla via eduescaperoom.com 🇪🇸
- Pigpen code: how does it work? via Ana Clara García🇬🇧
- Mergecube: Enigmas in Realidad Aumentada (RA). Pablo Sotoca Way
- Cambiator de voz con efectos: App gratuíta to distort voz. Pablo Sotoca Way
- How to use Merge Cube in a Breakout. Via Víctor G. Muñiz
Tools, services and resources to generate and manage enigmas by Maison pour la science Centre Val-de-Loire, France
- https://scape.enepe.fr/ Site to advise and help teachers to create escape games or educational escape games. in French 🇫🇷
- https://www.cquesne-escapegame.com/ Playing site for teachers gathering pedagogical escape games (or pedagogical escape games), serious games in French 🇫🇷
- https://www.editions-ellipses.fr/accueil/267-s-capade-pedagogique-avec-les-jeux-d-evasion-apprendre-grace-aux-escape-games-de-la-maternelle-a-la-formation-d-adultes-9782340035461.html 🇫🇷
- https://www.reseau-canope.fr/notice/lescape-game.html 🇫🇷
- https://www.editions-hatier.fr/coin-pedago-escape-games-pedagogiques 🇫🇷
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Elena Iuliani (February 5, 2021). A spoon of…Escape game in educational context Episode 2 Toolbox ! SPOON Open Notebook 🥄 SPOON . Retrieved February 14, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/ujbr