A spoon of project ideas : Climathon: a challenge in the fight against climate change Episode 1
The Maison pour la science en Alsace is organizing with the OCE (Office for Climate Education) https://www.oce.global/en a cross-border event with schools on the theme of climate change. Four middle schools, including a German middle school, are taking up the challenge with concrete and innovative themes (sustainable mobility, heat waves in the city, reducing the environmental impact of school canteens, posters, etc.).

So, how is it going?
4 steps:
- An initial training of the teachers of the participating classes is organized : on the key concepts, the approach, and the Climathon itself.
2. The highlight : The classes will be invited to work on the climate, in project mode. After a short introduction to climate issues, the students will be gathered together for one day: the Climathon. During this day, the students have to think of a project (which will be actually implemented afterwards) around climate change.
Two types of projects are possible: an adaptation project (becoming more resilient to climate change) or a mitigation project (imitating our CO2 emissions), and an information/dissemination project. This day is animated with the help of researchers, but also representatives of the socio-economic world and local and regional authorities. Teachers will be present, but students must be as autonomous as possible. The animators can guide, to bring scientific complements or be the guarantor of a project approach. At the end of the day, the project is defined: objective, target, teams, means, methodology, planning, budget?
3. Implementation: During the following months, the classes implement the project. This project may concern the school, but also the community in general (link with the entrepreneurial or associative fabric, local authorities…). It can be a very simple project or initiate a fairly profound transformation of the school, or even the city.
4.Final restitution: Gathering of all the actors, we take stock of what has been accomplished and celebrate the challenge!
School projects:
- Collège international de L’Esplanade Strasbourg: 40 eco-delegates, 6 committed teachers of biology, physical sciences, German chemistry and history and geography.
- Themes: The heat wave in the city, heat islands in the school district
- Collège Louis Pasteur Strasbourg 60 6th grade students, 5 committed teachers in physics, chemistry, biology, documentalist and plastic arts.
- Themes: How to educate, raise awareness of climate change issues.
- Collège de la Haute Bruche Schirmeck 39 committed students including 11 eco-delegates. 5 committed teachers Biology, maths, physical sciences, chemistry and sports.
- Theme: sustainable mobility, how to improve access to the college for bicycles.
- Franco-German secondary school in Freiburg im Briesgau, Germany. 29 students involved in 4th year, 3 disciplines involved: biology, French and physical sciences chemistry.
- Theme Sustainable development at the scale of my school canteen.
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Elena Iuliani (February 18, 2021). A spoon of project ideas : Climathon: a challenge in the fight against climate change Episode 1. SPOON Open Notebook 🥄 SPOON . Retrieved February 14, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/ujcc