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Feedback on Kickoff meeting

Partners from SPOON Erasmus + project gathered on January 24thand 25th, for the transnational kickoff meeting. The main goal was to outline the forthcoming events and activities of the project but there was also a little time to socialize and share many ideas.  

By Isabel Guedes, MPLS Alsace


Day 1 : Thursday 24/01/2019

  • 9h-10h Introduction and updates – François Bernier et Elena and financial / communication rules/ Handbook FAQ Camille Dieudonné ofDirection of International relations
  • 10h -11h BB beta and Bojan presentation about Utrecht activity
  • 11h-12h00 UOC propositions about SPOON assessment
  • 13h30-17h00 Workshops: Define the format of each activity in each host country / workshop leading to the description of the SPOON activities included in the local event of each partner
  • 17h00-18h00 Free visit of Zoological museum of Strasbourg
  • 18h00-20h00 Rest break or little touristic walk in the city center of Strasbourg – 20h : Dinner

Day 2 : Friday 25/01/2019

  • 8h30-10h Workshops: Define the format of each activity in each host country / workshop leading to the description of the SPOON activities included in the local event of each partner
  • 10h-11h UOC propositions about SPOON assessment
  • 11h-12h Meetings with the trainers of the House for Science
  • 13h30-14h30 Kahoot ! by Danel

As hosts we were happy to welcome intervenients from Spain from Fundacio per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and Elhuyar Fundazioa, the Netherlands from Boswell-Béta and, last but not least, Croatia, from Tvornica Znanosti.

The meeting started with an early welcome coffee where all the participants were happy to meet again. Then, as several times during these two days, Bojan Marklcevic, from Tvornica Znanosti,proposed a game about science to start the works. In addition to a clue of an activity that one could use in training sessions this game allows the intervenient to get together and break the ice with some very dynamic and stimulating activities.

During these 2 days meeting we could untangle bureaucratic questions with the help from lovely Camille Dieudonne from Strasbourg’s university International relations department.  Freek Pools, from Boswell-Béta, showed us a little of the training he does and draw our attention to the importance of objectivity when treating scientific data with some compelling exercises.  Maria Heras Lopez, from UOC, led the group to build the subjects of the outcomes and the evaluation tools of the project with impressive efficacy and synthesis capacity. Danel Solabarrieta Arrizabalaga, from Elhuyar Fundazioa, presented us a fun practical app to make classes and trainings more interactive. 

Other than that we had some stimulating and fruitful brainstorming around the creation of the 12 workshops and the next events of this Erasmus + SPOON project. Next meeting will take place in Bilbao in may with the objectives of developing soft skills through events like science fairs. As to the convivial part we could gather around some snacks that each partner kindly bought from home and taste a little of each country. 

As hosts we tried to make the most of our time together carefully organizing this two days transnational meeting but also presenting all the trainers team from Maison pour la Science so our partners could get more of an idea of who we are as a whole, inviting the partners to visit the museum next door, tempting  our invites with a Choucroute, the Alsatian typical food, and, despites the cold and the snow, making a small city center tour so they would not leave without knowing the famous Strasbourg cathedral .



OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Elena Iuliani (February 26, 2019). Feedback on Kickoff meeting. SPOON Open Notebook 🥄 SPOON . Retrieved February 14, 2025 from

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