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What middle school students have to say about their role as an eco-delegate

🥄 Why is it SPOON compatible?

Because it is a good classroom practice that develops communication, collaboration and civic engagement while developing knowledge of climate science and current research in the field of sustainable development

Official definition in French educationnal context : :

To be an eco-delegate for a class, it means:

  • Being a student who respects the environment and sets an example.
  • Make your classmates aware of daily gestures (turning off the lights, checking that in winter the windows are closed and that the radiators are properly adjusted, installing garbage cans for sorting the class waste, etc.).
  • Be proactive (proposing initiatives and actions, such as “green walks”, etc.).

To be an eco-delegate of an school is :

  • Carrying out projects to improve biodiversity, reduce the establishment’s energy impact, promote eco-responsible actions by the entire educational community, raise awareness of the fight against food waste, promote actions, etc.
  • Be an ambassador to the services, managers and authorities of the establishment, as well as to external partners.
  • Reproduce the actions carried out, contribute to their evaluation and their valorisation
  • Pass on information and knowledge to their peers

Souleymene, Sajid, Eray, Hajar, International Middle school of Esplanade district, Strasbourg, FRANCE :

Could someone explain to me what it means to be an eco-delegate in a few words?

It means taking care of the planet, ourselves and the people around us. Being sensitive to ecology. And also to find out what there is to improve in terms of ecology in the school, especially now because of global warming, and also because of climate change, because it hasn’t snowed for a while and now it snows almost every 3 days, it snows quite often.

So your role as eco-delegates is to talk about that?

Yes, and to raise awareness among others, people.

And do you like it?

Yes !

Charlotte, International Middle school of Esplanade district, Strasbourg, FRANCE

Role of eco-delegate?

Trying to find solutions for the college, to develop, or rather, to opt for more organic ways. For me it’s also a new way of educating, learning for example to prefer things made of cardboard rather han plastic. It’s more about showing that there are small solutions even through small things, so it’s also a new way of educating.

It is also learning to be autonomous and to use things that we have at our disposal rather than things that come from far away. So for me what is important is also the way we educate.

I agree with that. So it’s important for you at school to pass on the message to your colleagues, then?


Crédits : Rawpik Freepik

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Elena Iuliani (March 15, 2021). What middle school students have to say about their role as an eco-delegate. SPOON Open Notebook 🥄 SPOON . Retrieved February 14, 2025 from

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