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Reading corner (🇫🇷in French) Femmes de science, A la rencontre de 14 chercheuses d’hier et d’aujourd’hui

An ex-Spooner Annabelle Lecointre, has just released a very SPOON compatible book to address gender equality in science by meeting fascinating role models !

Meet Annabelle :

The history of science is full of male names. However, women have always shone in the diffusion and construction of scientific knowledge. So why have they remained in the shadows for so long? In these pages, meet Emilie du Châtelet, Irène Joliot-Curie, Rosalind Franklin, Dian Fossey and other great women of science. Relive with them their discoveries but also the struggles they often had to lead to free themselves from the prejudices of their time and conquer their rights.

These fascinating interviews with 14 women from the past and present remind us that science is also written in the feminine and that equality is never definitively acquired.


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Elena Iuliani (March 23, 2021). Reading corner (🇫🇷in French) Femmes de science, A la rencontre de 14 chercheuses d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. SPOON Open Notebook 🥄 SPOON . Retrieved February 14, 2025 from

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