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The seven essential elements for project design

1.- Challenge: challenging problem or question The project is based either on a significant problem to be solved or on a question to be answered, with a level of difficulty appropriate to the project.

2.- Research process: In a rigorous and extensive process, the students ask questions, look for resources and apply the information gathered.

3.- Authenticity: It is a real-world project and responds to concerns, interests or problems that may arise in the students’ lives

4.- Student voice and choice: The students make decisions about the project, including what they will create and how they will work.

5.- Reflection: The students and teachers reflect on the learning, the effectiveness of their activities and research projects, the quality of the students’ work, any obstacles that have arisen and the strategies necessary to overcome them.

6.- Critique and revision: The students give, receive and apply feedback to improve their processes and projects.

7.- Presenting the results: Students present their project to a specific audience, outside the context of the classroom.

Read here the complete ebook “STEAM project ideas to inspire young people” 

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danelsolabarrieta (March 30, 2021). The seven essential elements for project design. SPOON Open Notebook 🥄 SPOON . Retrieved February 14, 2025 from

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