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The ethical aspect of research in STEAM education

Ethics leads us to assess the consequences of changing, removing or eliminating elements from the surrounding environment of the living beings we are studying, and helps us determine whether the learning derived from the research activity truly justifies endangering their lives, changing their habits or destroying their environment. We must also define the procedure for finding a response that causes the least possible disturbance and reflect on whether the objective we are pursuing justifies our intervention and the consequences it would have for the natural environment.

Conducting research in an ethical manner does not mean that we cannot act in nature, but that we must be aware of the consequences of our actions and try to minimise them, and be clear about the objective of our research.

We need to create spaces for debate and dialogue regarding the consequences and justifications of research actions and the impact on our environment.

Many science fairs specify the ethical aspects and rules that projects must comply with (for example, it is prohibited to interfere with birds’ nests).

Read here the complete ebook “STEAM project ideas to inspire young people” 

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danelsolabarrieta (April 9, 2021). The ethical aspect of research in STEAM education. SPOON Open Notebook 🥄 SPOON . Retrieved February 14, 2025 from

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