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SPOONERS Travel Report: Let’s go to Summer Science Factory 2/2 🇭🇷

Day 2:

The big day!

It runs from everywhere, between SpOOners we try not to disturb too much, between two installations mentors catch a coffee from time to time before welcoming small scientists eager to present their production to their parents. With Annabelle we are responsible for not letting parents in before 10am to let students settle.

During this time the places are completely invested, in the room of meetings, conferences, walls, windows, corridors. At impatient parents invade MedILs ( , curious to learn more about STEM projects of students. Annabelle launches herself at the stand of apprentice cardiologists who take her blood pressure. She is in great shape ! After strafing the party of photos and enjoy all these beautiful projects, a surprise is prepared outside the building. Everybody goes out to discover a detonating chemical experiment or an ash snake appears as if by magic from a small pile of burning sand, but also the graceful and technical flight of a remotely controlled cardboard airplane above the sea.
But the best moment of the show was the physics explained by an air silk performance, performed by one of the “mentor” and commented by Bojan to the public a gracious exercise to explain different principles of physics such as strengths, gravity, periods etc.

They talk about us ! –> “In the days of the Storm, everyone celebrates the past. These kids in Split are looking to the future”U danima Oluje svi slave prošlost. Ovi klinci u Splitu gledaju u budućnost via @indexhr

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Elena Iuliani (September 20, 2019). SPOONERS Travel Report: Let’s go to Summer Science Factory 2/2 🇭🇷. SPOON Open Notebook 🥄 SPOON . Retrieved February 14, 2025 from

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