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Welcome on SPOONOBOOK !

The SPOON open note book is an online notebook and the main deliverable of the SPOON project coordinated by Maison pour la science in Alsace (Université de Strasbourg). This European project, which started in September 2018, is part of the Erasmus + KA201 – strategic partnerships for school education, and will last 3 years.  It relies mainly on transnational workshops and exchanges throughout the project

SPOON (STEM Education and Practices are Not About the CONtENT)

  • Partners – consortium: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain), Boswell Beta, Utrecht, (The Netherlands), The Elhuyar Foundation, Usurbil, Gipuzkoa, Basque Autonomous Community, (Spain), Tvornica Znanosti, Zagreb, (Croatia).
  • Main deliverables: SPOON Open Note Book, royalty-free syntheses and translations of resources, evaluation tool of factors out of content
  • Key words: professional development / science / education / innovation / sharing good practice / evaluation / immersion for teachers / reflexivity / SPOON.

“Create together spaces, meetings and resources focused on the importance of the environment and the state of mind of learning and training in science education at school.”

In both the scientific literature and educational institutions, education is often evaluated in terms of learning outcomes, mainly interpreted as an increase in knowledge of content. In STEM education, the effectiveness of the teaching process is then judged in terms of the learning outcome of the content.
Within this consortium, we believe that the emphasis on knowledge transfer on content, while very important, should not be the only variable to consider. So we asked ourselves: What are the innate values of teaching process apart from the transfer of knowledge? And how can these sometimes elusive factors be quantitative and measurable?
We hypothesize that how knowledge is acquired and transferred can have a major impact on students. We refer, for example, to the inquiry process in science, instilling in students the true spirit of discovery: hypothesis, observation, experimentation, failure, success and critical thinking. But we also consider group processes and emotions (such as thrill, excitement or boredom) accompanying the learning process as a major factor. What do these factors require from a new generation of STEM teachers? What does this imply in adapting teacher training?
The partners of this European consortium are experts in the field of innovative teacher education. We believe that sharing our experiences in this area will allow us to understand the above questions and to define innovative research.

This online interface will be the memory of the many exchanges that will take place throughout the project, whether in workshops between teachers, scientists and trainers, but also during the coordination and monitoring of the project.

We want to bring this support online through different types of media / topics:

-Presentation of the context of the project, issues and actors..
-Testimonies and portraits from teachers.
-Deposition of resources and ideas for teaching, to consult and download freely.
-Analyzes of class situations.
-Thematic articles and feedback on events

  • Photo and video
  • Humor column
  • Reports of the various meetings written by partners
  • Contributions of visitors participating in transnational meetings in the form of a “logbook / lab book”
  • Useful links

Audience : Teachers of primary and secondary level, researchers, trainers, actors of scientific mediation.

In parallel with this online toolbox, an evaluation of the impact of the project on participating teachers will be conducted by the partner Open University of Catalonia (UOC). This blog will be presented and promoted during a dedicated dissemination event open to general public in 2021 in France, and each partner including the coordinator is contractually committed for its smooth operation and dissemination, during but also after the project.