Providing feedback to students
Providing feedback is one of the teacher’s most important tasks. Below are the key elements of feedback: 1. Feedback is not advice, praise or evaluation, but information about the efforts made to achieve a...
Providing feedback is one of the teacher’s most important tasks. Below are the key elements of feedback: 1. Feedback is not advice, praise or evaluation, but information about the efforts made to achieve a...
The students conduct interviews as another element of their project-based learning. In some cases, these interviews help students to identify the needs of clients or a target audience for the development of a particular...
Teachers cannot be expected to master all scientific and technological matters. You can seek the help of research experts who will advise you on the topic you want to cover and on planning and...
Every sound project has, in principle, an exhaustive, well- thought-out list of the knowledge required. Consequently, students are aware that they will need to undertake rigorous and continuous research to acquire such knowledge. When...
Project-based learning offers many advantages, including the opportunity for students to work with people of different backgrounds. While working together on projects, they acquire valuable skills for collaboration, for developing their own strengths and...
The steps of a technology project are similar, but not identical. Once the target audience has been defined, the aim of a technology project is to find a technological solution to a problem or...
It is difficult to classify the projects carried out by secondary school students by type. Simplifying this classification as much as possible, the projects can be divided into three areas: scientific research, technology, and...
Know our prejudices concerning STEMWith regard to STEAM, which student do we consider promising and which do we have the lowest expectation of? How do these beliefs match the image of the STEM professionals...
Our goal as educators is to prepare students for life and work, and particularly importantare the so-called 21st-century skills. Some of these key skills include: CollaborationDo the students have to share responsibility and make...
1.- Design and planThe teacher creates a project adapted to the characteristics of their students. The teacher plans its execution from start to finish, giving the students a limited possibility to participate and make...
1.- Challenge: challenging problem or question The project is based either on a significant problem to be solved or on a question to be answered, with a level of difficulty appropriate to the project....
Project-based learning is a teaching method by which students acquire knowledge by actively working on a topic that interests them and is directly related to the real world. With this teaching approach, students try...
Come on! Teachers, get involved in projects, feel part of the actions! GOOD PRACTICES It is advisable for teachers to participate actively both on a visit and in a meeting between STEM professionals and...
BE YOURSELF Great attention and interest are attached to professionals, by way of example, and there are many recommendations for showing what their normal daily lives are like: It changes the stereotyped image of...
The recommendations we would make to organisations with STEM professionals when contacting young people. GOOD PRACTICES – Give the participants (researchers, professors…) specific guidelines. – Design experiments and actions that require few resources. –...